The Positive Side of Failure

The Positive Side of Failure

24702477_s (1)Mistakes happen. There is absolutely nothing you can do about them. They can’t be avoided or prevented. Each and every one gives you the opportunity to grow in a positive direction; that’s the silver lining. Mistakes can bring incredible, unexpected results!

Failure isn’t always a negative in life. Start thinking of a mistake as a growth opportunity and look forward to the next possibility with excitement. There’s no telling what may happen when the sky’s the limit. For example, did you know that the slinky, penicillin, chocolate chip cookies, potato chips, silly putty, fireworks, post it notes, and x rays are just SOME results that came into being because of mistakes?

You have the power to make any situation a positive or negative no matter what intended outcome you expected. The more you live outside your comfort zone, and learn how to roll with whatever comes up while keeping a positive attitude, the more you will achieve and be happier during the process. You can create the life you want.

Perfection doesn’t exist. And, if you need to know that everything will always be a success before moving forward, you will never get anywhere. How do you let fear of failing or making mistakes stop you in life? Remember to take a deep breath and ask yourself, “What can I learn here? Is there a new possibility from this mistake that I can use to my advantage?” Calm your fears, think outside the box, recalibrate your inner GPS, and enjoy your new path. Take a leap of faith; don’t hold yourself back.

You are the leader of your own life. Embrace strong leadership qualities in yourself. Be bold, fearless, and confident. Don’t apologize for the strong person you are. Take a few moments and think through some past failures. Is it time to reassess and try again? Only this time, use the mistakes to your advantage and propel yourself forward.

Think about how much joy the world has felt because of the slinky, silly putty, and homemade chocolate chip cookies. Be who you were meant to be, follow your heart, make your own mistakes, and rise to the challenge of life. Be an example of how you can turn a negative into a positive.

All those dreams you have held onto inside but were too afraid to go for-go for them! With the fear of failure removed, what do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing! So then the question becomes what could you possibly gain? Don’t make the mistake of not trying to find out!