Gratitude Challenge

I am so very excited to be beginning the Gratitude Challenge tomorrow. It seems to make sense, right? Given that November is the month of Thanksgiving? A couple of weeks ago, it just hit me that there are many people stuck in a rut of negativity! They WANT to live a positive life, but their mind tends to focus of scarcity, lack and fear…and they have no idea where to start or HOW to change.

So for me, this is the place to start. We’re going to spend this next month together focusing on bringing gratitude, love, kindness, and compassion to each and every person we come into contact with…and most importantly, ourselves.

Check out the Welcome video and please SHARE this with your friends, family, colleagues and co-workers. If you haven’t already, please come and LIKE the Facebook page so you can participate in the challenges and receive motivation and inspiration to change your life all day every day! Let’s do this together and create an energy shift across the world and help bring people closer to each other.

With love and gratitude,