Choose Happiness

Choose To Be happy

18207172_sIt’s unfortunate that most people gauge their happiness by comparing themselves to others and what others have. The reason you can’t find happiness isn’t because of what you have. The reason you can’t find happiness is because of what you think you are missing.

I want to share with you some practical techniques to change and forever alter your view of your life and the world around you. I want you to find the courage inside of you to live life fearlessly on purpose, in power, and with passion. You can change your attitude and create a renewed passion for life, a peaceful sense of calm, and numerous moments of happiness for yourself and those around you.

You must clear the inner barriers that sabotage your goals. When you can successfully do this you will find the radical happiness and extreme fulfillment you are able to admire in others. Begin by accepting your past, focus on powerfully changing your present, and successfully build your blissful life right now while planning the dreams of your future.

The negative past you carry around with you is one of the obstacles to happiness you have to learn to let go. Once you deal with your past and realize it’s helped to get where you are today, you will be able to live in the present and choose happiness in your life NOW! You will be able to say, “I finally found the answer I needed to successfully change my life: ME!” You will realize you were holding yourself back from your own happiness.

Happiness is your choice. But you have to work for it. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to go through life not feeling like something is always missing.

This week I want you to repeat these key phrases. Whenever you feel self doubt, hear self talk that will sabotage your attitude, or are tempted to make a self destructive choice, I want you to say these positive affirmations out loud.

I am deserving of happiness. I can make positive decisions for myself. I will let go of self doubt. I am capable, strong, and able to grow forward. I will have positive relationships. I am a positive cause for change in my life today. I will choose to boldly embrace my passion for life. I will unlock and step into my own personal power.

I want to help you become a positive, focused person who chooses daily to create the life of happiness you deserve.